Child Support – Why does it Matter?

Child Support is the amount that is paid by one parent to the other to financially support them. Commonly, it is done by the non-custodial parent based on court orders or agreements. 

Child support law can differ depending on the state in which both parents live, so it is best to have a family law attorney for a consultation because they can guide you the best. The non-custodial parent is the one who does not have physical custody of the child (you can say the children are living with the mother, so the father is the non-custodial parent). 

While the primary custody parent is the custodial parent, both can have legal custody. 

It works like the non-custodial parent will be involved in everything related to the children. The parents can also co-parent the children (1 month with the father and 1 month with the mother). Also, the parents don't have to be married for child support. 

The basic purpose of child support is to support the children financially, which can be done by splitting the finances. The child support amount is based on the parent's income. Sometimes, the court also decides the amount based on wages. 

The most important thing is that the custodial parent cannot use the child support amount for their expenses because it is designed for the children's living standards. 

The child support amount can be used for the following:

  • Paying rent, mortgage, and utilities ensures the child is in a safe environment. It can be used for food, toys, books, clothes, room furniture, and study.
  • For medical: doctor visits, eyeglasses, dental visits. Anything that comes under health insurance. 
  • Extracurricular activities, sports, and camps.

Mostly the extant duties and responsibilities are done under the agreement to have a proper understanding for both parties.

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